
Crisis Help & Planning

Planning Resources

Crisis Planning: How To Make A Pocket Crisis Guide, LB Lee | How to make and organize a crisis guide for psychological emergencies that you can keep in your phone or wallet. Having one is, in our opinion, an absolute need--especially for systems who have issues with mania, psychosis, and/or dissociation.

Setup Tips, plural help/guide | Various things to make or put in place in case of a system crisis or a new headmate needing help. Oriented towards people planning to use the Carrd in these cases, but works just as well for anyone else.

Emergency Resources

Hotlines & Crisis Support, plural help/guide | A list of various hotlines for a few different countries.



The Dæmon Page | The first website dedicated to dæmonism, which may be considered a form of plurality &/or thoughtforming; "In short, a dæmon is a person's subconscious voice projected in animal form, giving unwavering companionship, and eventually settling into a form that reflects the essence of who you are."


Please note that someone(&) being listed here is not an endorsement of them as a whole.

LB Lee | Plural history, working with headspaces, in-system relationships (including sexual ones!), memory work, comics, art, and a large body of extremely important essays for any plural or person(s) dealing with memory loss, trauma recovery, or worlds that've suddenly gotten VERY weird!

The Crisses | Multiple, otherkin, queer, life coaches, and the runners of Kinhost. They're major figures in modern (Anglo) plural history as well as being plural historians themselves. We consider them 'required' reading for anyone who considers themself or wants to be informed on plural, otherkin, & neurodivergent history/activism/intersectionality.

The Zyfron System | Comic artists blogging & making comics regarding multiplicity, being median, trans experiences, and more.

Vicki(s) [Archived] | The midcontinuum/median perspective & experience, as well as being home to some significant articles that influenced the course of Anglosphere plural history & culture.

Astraea [Current] / Astraea [1999 Archive] | Empowered & non-clinical multiplicity, plural issues, research, and politics. This is also a historically relevant site!

The Dragonheart Collective | Plurality/multiplicity, nonhumanity, and more. Has specific resources regarding OSDDID, specific other kinds of plurality, and more catch-all resources.


Healthy Multiplicity | A resource index oriented towards plurals and multiples with resources surrounding plurality, trauma, recovery, self harm, sexual recovery, and similar.

Specific Writing/Articles

Multi-Specific Abuse, LB Lee | Outlining plural-specific manners of abuse, warning signs, and staying safe.

Safety In Alterhuman Spaces, The Dragonheart Collective et al. | General safety guides for alterhuman spaces of all kind, information on cults, and information on forms of abuse specific to or targeted towards plurals and alterhumans.


Flowcharty | Website that helps systems figure out who's fronting by creating a flowchart of traits for headmates, and then guiding the user through to find the headmate fronting. Kind of like Guess Who!

Simply Plural | System app including a front tracker, headmate profiles, private in-system chats, and more! You& can have friends recieve notifications for front changes, and export your data to share with anyone you like, such as a therapist.


DMV Plurals | DMV Plurals is a group providing community for plurals in the DC/MD/VA area! Meetups held every 1st and 3rd Saturday at Central Library in Arlington, VA from 3:30PM-5PM.

et al. You&Tube | Our collective's server, centering around providing support and embracing the diversity of plurality. It's open to anyone, and it's the fastest way to reach us, too.

The Dæmon Forum | The current, active forum for The Dæmon Page.

The Dæmon Forum's Discord | TDF, but on Discord!

Alterhumanity (including Endelity)



Please note that someone(&) being listed here is not an endorsement of them as a whole.


Specific Writing/Articles

Testimony on the KFF Phenomenon, The Dragonheart Collective et al. | A testimony on the history of fictionkin and KFF, or kin-for-fun. Dives into the conflict, definitions, and why the issue even matters.





Please note that someone(&) being listed here is not an endorsement of them as a whole.


Specific Writing/Articles


Queerness, Transness, and Nonconformity


Dykewrite | DykeWrite is a site and webring devoted to dyke issues, culture, and community, including things relevant to femmes, butches, lesbians, bisexuals, queer women, transsexuals, and trans people.


Please note that someone(&) being listed here is not an endorsement of them as a whole.


Specific Writing/Articles


"Study guide" | A descretely named google sheet of trans resources, including ways to get and make free gender affirming gear like binders, packers, gaffs, and breast forms.


Genderpunks | An inclusive queer community with a focus on providing a welcoming and empowering space for lesser known identities, plurals, alterhumans, and disabled/ND folks. Run by transfem disabled dykes of color!