ToS & Payment

We will not make buttons/blinkies/stamps:
1. With pornographic or otherwise sexually explicit content, or heavy gore.
2. That are intended for use on a NSFW or hateful website. If we find you violated this term after the fact, you'll be banned from comissioning us and put on a no-sell list.
3. Containing hate speech.
4. Representing ideologies that are hateful or colonialist/imperialist in nature, ie TERFism, antitheism (atheism is fine), pro-life/birth content, pro-America or military content.
5. Related to "shipcourse," syscourse, or queer microlabel discourse. We're incluionists with no interest in engaging with discourse beyond that.


Payment is expected upfront. Refunds will only be provided if we drop your comission or take over 4 weeks to complete it.

We take payment through:
- Ko-Fi
- CashApp*
- PayPal*

*Fill out this form if this is how you plan to pay.


all blinkies below are free to use; prices listed are shown as an example.

150px x 20xp (standard), 12 frames, 15fps; total price: 15USD

150px x 20px (standard), 2 frames, 5fps; total price: 10usd


none of the buttons below are free to use or purchaseable; prices listed are shown as an example.

88px x 31px (standard), 6 frames, 3fps; total price: 15USD

88px x 31px (standard), 5 frames, 6fps; total price: 10usd